Modern Day Maccabee – Rabbi Dr. Rani Jaeger
December 23, 2022 — By Rabbi Dr. Rani Jaeger

Israeli-Judaism is a call for the creation of something both old and new, built on the foundation of Judaism and emerging from a generative conversation between the present and the past.

The uniting of Judaism and Israeli-ness brings together two cultures. One with a long history that has a deep religious component and an ability to exist without physical territory. The other nascent, founded on a revolution of Jewish consciousness and on a particular land.

The time has come: The State of Israel is our home and Israeli Judaism is the interior of that physical “house.”

Its creation is the task of our generation.

There is an explicit call for the creation of a Jewish – Israeli identity that shares common denominators.

We are the generation whose mission and soul’s desire is to renew the heart of the house.

The time has come: because the tensions embedded in Israeli society are political dynamite. The bifurcation of “Israeli” and “Jewish” has further polarized the extreme positions in society: In order to garner political capital, politicians drive us to pick a side, despite the fact that the majority of Jewish Israelis want unity.

The time has come: because there is an explicit call for the creation of a Jewish – Israeli identity that shares common denominators, in which the work of establishing these common denominators is an intentional, and not incidental, goal.

The time has come: because we must demonstrate that democracy and Judaism can and must go hand-in-hand.

The time has come.

The Honey Foundation for Israel

Leading a revolution in Israeli Judaism… for the benefit of Jews everywhere.