Kehilat Hiburim (Connections)
Hatzor Haglilit
Q: What Torah learning most inspires you?
A: Learning that is directly connected to meaningful living, when there is a sense that our discussions can actually change our actions.
Q: What are your dreams for your community?
A: Finding the balance between investing in our internal lives and investing in outward actions, between spirit and rootedness in this world, between openness and a particular path. It’s all a balancing act.
Q: What are your community’s greatest challenges?
A: A great challenge we face is the difficulty going against the accepted way of thinking…at times not fully being understood, by virtue of the inclusion of disparate parts of Israeli society into our community. Holding this diverse space.
Q: What are the greatest opportunities that exist for your community?
A: The great opportunity we see is to serve as a bridge in Israeli society between different parts and allow for hope to flourish. We believe that it is from our very differences in our community and because we live outside of the big cities that we have special opportunities to create connections between people.