Amy Lipsey

Founder & Board Member

A love for the State of Israel and a passion for exploring the spiritual life have been two important
constants in my life.

Throughout my life I yearned for Jewish learning and experiences that touched my soul.  I have always pursued learning opportunities to confront the big questions of life and have sought to think about Jewish meaning. For seven years, I facilitated Jewish spiritual journey groups in my home community that allowed people to tap into their Judaism, spirituality and community building in powerful ways.

When we moved to Israel for one year and saw that the field of Jewish spiritual communities was
underdeveloped within Israeli society and that Israelis had such few options to explore their Judaism in community, we began to dream.

Soon after returning to the States, Bill and I founded the Honey Foundation for Israel.  Creating a rich tapestry of Jewish spiritual choices for Israelis combines my passions for the spiritual life, Israel and the healing aspects of community.

The Honey Foundation for Israel provides comfortable entry points for people to explore how to create meaningful Jewish lives. Our Israeli spiritual leaders build the communities where people can explore life’s big questions together.  As a psychotherapist, I love the idea that we are helping to create more connected communities and opening doors for Israeli’s to fully develop their Jewish spiritual selves.