Strategic Investment
Our approach is based on six investing principles:

1. Invest in great leaders
We leverage the power of exceptional spiritual entrepreneurs and help them innovate and maximize their positive impact.


2. Develop networks of talent
We not only provide capital; we seek to develop strong networks of talent – a thriving professional field – that share best practices and support colleagues to further this transformative work.


3. Commit to scaling
A few passionate communities is not enough to usher in a revolution. Scaling is required across the spectrum of Jewish expression to allow the greatest number of people to find a home in the Jewish communities of their choice.


4. Build a robust free-market of ideas
We believe a competitive cultural environment where people are free to find meaning in the communities of their choice (a free-market of ideas), maximizes involvement in and raises the quality of all Jewish expression.


5. Emphasize measurable outcomes
We insist on the use of metrics and accountability as we require a high return on invested capital. This emphasis exists alongside our commitment to, and valuing of, less quantifiable aspects of this work.


6. Create a community of engaged and informed investors
This project is too big to go at it alone. Core to our work is identifying, connecting and educating prospective investors in the growing field of spiritual entrepreneurship.